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An unbelievably fun way to spend a few hours. If you’re looking for a TTRPG to play solo, I couldn’t recommend this game more. Fantastic!! 


Echoes is a Wretched engine single-player journaling rpg inspired by Silent Hill. That Silent Hill influence is *very* evident, and the cover image pretty much calls unbidden the SH1 soundtrack in my head. The game is also pretty authentic to the core elements of SH without getting lost in specific aesthetics, and may be worth checking out even if you don't play tabletop if you're a fan of Silent Hill.

Echoes is 18 pages, with an atmospheric layout but virtually no illustrations. This works in its favor, strangely, and it means there are no specific images competing with the abandoned town you're picturing. In a multiplayer game, not having everyone on the same page visually might be a problem, but Echoes doesn't have to worry about that.

Gameplay in Echoes cleaves pretty close to the bone of the Wretched engine formula. You play with jenga, cards, dice, and a journal, and your success or failure is ultimately up to the random whim of the card deck.

You can lose by not jenga-ing hard enough, but certain card combinations  just end you, with nothing you could have done to prevent it.

The writing and design of the individual events in Echoes is strong, and it's definitely an atmospheric game. Overall, I would recommend it to Silent Hill fans, horror writers, and anyone who wants to journal a story of a person descending into an abandoned town purgatory, with their fate up to the whim of the deck.


Appreciate the feedback!  In all honesty, this was my first ever published game and with that went all the anxieties of a thoughtful review.  From the cover "art" to the layout, I did my best on my own to try and give a "mood" to the game which seems to have bled through while still being true to the W&A system.

In hind sight, I wish I had done something with it that set it apart from the rest of the menagerie or W&A games, but for a first outing, I think it achieved what I wanted for it--mainly just an homage to a game that really sticks with me to this day and influence my writing and the stories I tell in TTRPG spaces.

Thanks so much for taking the time.  I highly appreciate it again. <3

Echoes is a really excellent game! My complaints are basically nitpicks of the W&A engine, and they're only included because W&A's randomness was the element that I most thought a random reader would want to know about going in.

This game was an amazing experience. I will play again, this was amazing.

I'm so glad, that warms my black heart <3

(1 edit)

Intense and exciting and tragic and excellent. The impending dread of each turn and the desire to discover what is to come is gripping. 

5 stars. Will absolutely play again.  And again.  And again!

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you, so, so much.  This was my first project I had the guts to release to the public.. I am so glad you enjoyed it <3